Create a goal completion
Mark campaign contacts as won.
This endpoint is used to mark a campaign contact as “won” using the API.
You are required to provide a way to find the contact, for example by email, ID, or nested custom data. At least property is required to identify the contact.
You can also choose to provide the goal, for example “meeting scheduled”, and we will find the contact in the most recent campaign with that goal and mark them as “won”. If you don’t provide a goal, we will select the contact in the most recent campaign.
The API key used to authenticate requests, learn how to generate an API key on the Authentication page.
Path Parameters
Team ID, starting with tea_
The goal of the campaign that was completed.
The email address of the contact.
The unique ID of the contact, starting with con_
The unique ID of the campaign contact, starting with cpc_
The data associated with the campaign contact added when using an integration.
The unique ID of this contact in a campaign, starting with cpc_
The date and time the contact was added to this campaign.
The date and time the contact was last updated in this campaign.
The status of the campaign contact.
The data associated with the campaign contact added when using an integration.
The unique ID of the campaign the campaign contact is associated with, starting with cpg_
The unique ID of the contact the campaign contact is associated with, starting with con_