Q3 2023
Import CSV metadata
July 3, 2023
Since the past few months, you can import your own leads to FirstQuadrant using CSVs. Now you can also import additional metadata for each lead, such as their name, company, and more. This allows you to override the metadata that we automatically find from around the web or add metadata for leads where we couldn’t find any information.
Fixes & improvements
- We increased the maximum length of an offering description from 1,000 to 5,000 characters to allow for more detailed product information.
- We fixed a bug where the option to add personalized fields was visible even when the feature preview was not enabled.
- We made company domains in the context panel clickable links for easier access to company websites.
- When setting up campaign schedules, we now only copy schedules from Monday to other weekdays instead of copying between all days.
- When creating a campaign, we now make a copy of the offering name and description to prevent unexpected changes if the original offering is edited later.