Forwarded and out-of-office referrals

FirstQuadrant automatically handles replies for you, be it positive replies nudging the conversation towards scheduling a call, negative replies to unsubscribe leads, or answering frequently asked questions. Today, we’re taking it a step further by introducing referred contacts from forwarded and out-of-office responses. When a prospect is out of office and refers to someone else, or if they mention another colleague who we should talk to, FirstQuadrant will automatically add the referred contact to a new sequence and continue the conversation.

Fixes & improvements

  • We now support parsing and displaying calendar invitation and update emails in the inbox view.
  • The system now processes prospecting for large lead lists in new campaigns significantly faster.
  • Users can now choose to not generate an automatic response when receiving a negative reply from a contact.
  • Fixed an issue where the “Todo” view would incorrectly show duplicate actions for the same contact.
  • Fixed a timing issue where messages would remain in the “Scheduling” status longer than they should.
  • Added the ability to manually change a contact’s status to won, lost, or open when they are part of multiple campaigns.
  • Added a legal notice section to the website footer for compliance purposes.
  • Reduced the initial delay between starting a new campaign and sending the first email.
  • Improved error handling to prevent contacts from being incorrectly marked as lost when they have previously engaged in conversation.
  • Updated the audio feedback when interacting with the waiting list form on the homepage.