You can use FirstQuadrant’s built-in tool to find new prospects for your campaigns. This tool allows you to search for contacts based on various criteria, such as job title, company size, industry, and location.

Under the hood, we use as the data provider for this feature and then use AI to further enrich the data. This allows you to find the most relevant contacts for your campaigns. Apollo has almost 100 million contacts in its database with verified email addresses, so you can be sure that you’ll find the right prospects for your campaigns.


You can use the following filters to find the right prospects for your campaigns.


These filters are related to the company where the contact works. You can use these filters to find contacts based on the company’s size, industry, location, revenue, and funding.

  • Company headcount
  • Company HQ
  • Industry and keywords
  • Revenue and funding
    • Funding rounds
    • Total funding amount
    • Annual revenue amount
    • Trading status
  • Advanced
    • Technologies
    • Exclude industries
    • Exclude locations
    • Open positions
      • Job titles
      • Hiring locations
      • Number of positions
      • Posted date

Role and personal

These filters are related to the role and personal information of the contact. You can use these filters to find contacts based on their job title, management position, employer, and location.

  • Current employment
    • Current job title
    • Management position
    • Current employer
  • Previous employments
    • Previous job titles
    • Previous employers
  • Department
  • Location
  • Advanced
    • Exclude employers
    • Exclude locations