When using FirstQuadrant to send outbound email campaigns, it is crucial to establish a solid email deliverability setup. This ensures that your emails do not get blocked and reach your recipients’ inboxes.

Risks of poor email deliverability

If you send mass emails from your primary email address without proper setup, you risk triggering spam filters. This can lead to your email address—and eventually your entire domain—being marked as spam. Once this happens, none of your emails, including non-outbound ones, will land in inboxes.

To prevent this, a well-structured email deliverability setup is essential. This involves using separate domains and email addresses for outbound emails.

FirstQuadrant’s email capabilities

FirstQuadrant allows you to add unlimited email addresses per team member, making it easy to scale your outreach while maintaining high deliverability.

Email deliverability setup overview

A strong deliverability setup consists of:

  • Separate domains and email addresses for sending outbound emails
  • Continuous email warming to establish sender reputation

Setting up new domains and email addresses

You can either:

  • Set up new domains and mailboxes manually through your domain registrar and Google Workspace
  • Use a dedicated service like Zapmail.ai (highly recommended for efficiency and first-class FirstQuadrant integration)

Manual setup steps (skip if setup is done through Zapmail.ai)

1. Purchase new domains

These domains should resemble your primary domain. Example:

  • If your primary domain is example.com, new domains should be similar, such as tryexample.com
  • Redirect these new domains to your primary domain to ensure brand consistency

2. Create new mailboxes (Not aliases)

Each mailbox should have different permutations of your name:

  • Example: john.doe@tryexample.com, john@tryexample.com, jd@tryexample.com

Calculating mailbox and domain needs

A fully warmed-up mailbox should send no more than 20-25 emails per day (conservative estimate). This is also the default setting in FirstQuadrant. To change the daily sending max:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Integrations > Mailboxes
  2. Click on the respective mailbox address

How to calculate required mailboxes

Formula: Total emails per month ÷ 25 work days ÷ 20 emails per day = Required mailboxes

Additional considerations:

  • Add 20-30% extra mailboxes for backup in case of deliverability issues
  • Best practice: 4-5 mailboxes per domain

Example calculation

  • Target emails per month: 5,000
  • Calculation: 5,000 ÷ 25 days ÷ 20 emails per day = 10 mailboxes
  • Backup (30%): 13 mailboxes total
  • Domains needed: 13 mailboxes ÷ 4 mailboxes per domain = 3 new domains

Once you’ve set up the different mailboxes you need to connect and add them to FirstQuadrant.

Email warming process

Once mailboxes are set up, warming them up with a dedicated warming service is essential. This process makes your email accounts appear active and legitimate, reducing spam filter risks.

We advise using dedicated email warming services, rather than platforms that bundle warming with other features, as dedicated services provide better infrastructure and results. A good warming service we’ve used in the past is mailreach.co

Warming process guidelines

  1. Duration: Warm up mailboxes for at least 2 months before full-scale outbound campaigns
  2. Gradual Increase: Start with low email volume and slowly increase over time
  3. Ramp-up Period: Adjust ramp-up settings in FirstQuadrant to control email volume
    • Navigate to: Settings > Integrations > Mailboxes
    • Select the outbound email and adjust the default ramp-up period of 35 days
    • Set to 0 if no ramp-up is required

By following these steps, you will ensure optimal email deliverability, maximizing your outbound email success while safeguarding your domain reputation.