Records management
Adding contacts
FirstQuadrant provides two ways to add contacts: individually or through bulk importing. Once a contact is added, FirstQuadrant automatically syncs all past email and calendar activity, analyzing the data to determine if any next steps are necessary in the contact’s sales journey.
Adding contacts individually
- Click on the “New Contact” button on the left sidebar
- Enter the recipient’s email address (Additional email addresses can be added later through the contact’s context panel)
- Optionally, add a note to provide instructions for FirstQuadrant or additional context
Example note: “Met John yesterday for lunch, and he’s interested in seeing a demo.”
Bulk importing contacts
To import multiple contacts at once:
- Navigate to Contacts on the left sidebar
- Click on ”+ Import Contacts” in the top right corner
- Choose one of the four available import options:
- FirstQuadrant’s in-app prospecting tool: Create a custom audience from a database of over 100 million prospects
- CSV file upload: Import contacts from an existing CSV file
- API & Webhooks: Automate contact imports using FirstQuadrant’s API
- Sales app integrations: Sync contacts from other sales tools via FirstQuadrant’s App Store
Additionally, you have the option here to manage all imports.
By utilizing these contact management features, sales teams can ensure their pipeline stays updated and automated for optimal engagement.