Our customers have been asking for a way to control the creativity of their campaigns - specifically how much the content of the emails can deviate from the sequence template. When setting up a campaign, you can now drag a slider to adjust the creativity level from “Precise” to “Creative”. The more creative the campaign, the more the content will deviate from the sequence template, allowing for more natural variations while maintaining your core message. You can experiment with different creativity levels to find what resonates best with your audience.

Additionally, we’re working on a major update that adds several features to support inbound campaigns, with some features already available in preview. This update includes a new context panel in the right sidebar on the Qualification preview page, and support for qualifying contacts based on their email provider type (e.g., business vs free providers like Gmail). We’ll share more details about these features next week!

Fixes & improvements

  • We have added urgent notifications in the navigation bar to ensure you don’t miss important system updates and alerts.
  • We introduced a new “Automated” classification for incoming emails to help identify messages sent by automated systems.
  • We improved our email generation system with updated concurrency queues, resulting in faster campaign creation.
  • We added database indices for all foreign keys to significantly improve query performance.
  • We added a missing classification label for forwarded emails in the Todo view to improve email organization.
  • Campaigns can now be started while contact prospecting is still in progress to reduce setup time.
  • We adjusted the minimum qualified-to-excluded ratio from 10% to 5% to provide more flexibility in campaign targeting.
  • We resolved an issue where BCC recipients were not being properly included when sending emails.
  • We migrated our database to a new upstream provider to ensure higher system reliability and performance.
  • We simplified the Settings -> Mailboxes interface by removing unused deliverability features like warming status.
  • We improved our email tracking pixel implementation to ensure better compatibility across different email clients.
  • We increased the frequency of campaign background updates to ensure all campaigns remain current and active.