We’ve been making under-the-hood improvements to our content generation systems to make emails more engaging and effective. This week, we’ve shipped an improved workflow that uses the content of previous emails in generated replies to create more contextually relevant follow-ups. FirstQuadrant no longer repeats similar content in follow-ups, making them more engaging and effective.

We’ve also redesigned the architecture for follow-ups that need to be sent at a later date, now intelligently computing the best date for follow-ups based on the recipient’s requests and using that to write more effective emails that go out both immediately and at the later date. This ensures that follow-ups are sent at the right time with the right messaging, increasing the chances of a response.

Fixes & improvements

  • We improved the handling of placeholder names in Sequences to better handle cases where contact names are not available in the system.
  • Users can now edit mailbox settings and toggle mailboxes on/off directly from the Analytics page for easier management.
  • We improved the animation transitions when viewing customer details on both the Customers page and homepage.
  • The customer logos on the Customers page and homepage now use an updated shade of gray to improve visibility and contrast.
  • We fixed an issue where users who don’t use Microsoft accounts were incorrectly shown a popup requesting their email address.
  • We resolved a billing system bug that prevented customers from properly switching between different billing cycles.