We are excited to announce that FirstQuadrant campaigns now support multiple languages! This means you can create campaigns not only in English (US), but also English (UK), Dutch, French, German, Romanian, and Hindi, and our AI will not only send highly personalized sequences in the right language, but also understand and respond to contacts in their preferred language. We will also be adding support for additional languages in the future.

Multilingual support is currently in feature preview; if you’d like to try it out, go to Settings -> Feature preview and enable “Multilingual support”. Then, you will see a new language selector in Sequence when creating a new campaign.

Fixes & improvements

  • You can now exclude specific campaigns when creating a new audience, instead of having to exclude all campaigns at once.
  • We added the ability to request access to integrations that are currently in preview.
  • Contact qualification features are now available in preview mode.
  • We fixed a bug where campaigns were using mailboxes that weren’t enabled for that specific campaign.
  • We resolved an issue where Qualification wasn’t working properly when users hadn’t added additional descriptions.
  • We fixed a bug that was causing Suppression lists to sometimes be hidden in the settings navigation.
  • Our system now uses AI to intelligently determine whether to follow up with contacts based on their previous interactions, replacing the old rule-based system.
  • Campaign API keys are now properly updated when creating an Integrate-type audience.
  • The interface now displays previously added mailboxes in campaigns, even if they are currently disabled.
  • We upgraded our systems to use GPT-4, which provides faster and more accurate responses compared to GPT-4 Turbo.
  • For improved analytics and tracking, referred contacts are now automatically added to their source campaigns.
  • In Integrate-type campaigns, we now process contacts in chronological order (oldest to newest) instead of randomly.
  • When duplicating a campaign, the Qualification settings can now be copied independently of the audience settings.
  • You now have granular control over HubSpot contact syncing - choose to sync all contacts or only specific groups like those who are goaled or have replied.