One of the most requested features is finally here! You can now connect your HubSpot account to FirstQuadrant to sync your suppression list. Before a contact is added to an audience, we will make sure that they do not already exist in your CRM. This way, you can be sure you’re not reaching out to contacts who you have already contacted through other channels. In the next week, we will be adding support for syncing contacts and companies between FirstQuadrant and HubSpot, so your CRM is always up-to-date with the latest information.

HubSpot integration is currently in feature preview. If you’d like to try it out, go to Settings -> Feature preview and enable “CRM integrations”. Then, you will see a new Integrations tab in Settings where you can connect your HubSpot account.

Fixes & improvements

  • Added support for providing additional descriptions when creating qualifying questions to better explain criteria to team members.
  • Added a prompt asking whether new qualification criteria should be applied to existing contacts in addition to new ones.
  • Added ability to apply coupon codes when setting up a new subscription in Settings -> Billing.
  • Added support for requesting a new campaign preview while the current preview is still refreshing.
  • Added a confirmation prompt when updating audience filters to decide whether to remove previously prospected contacts.
  • Fixed an issue where existing contacts were not being properly deleted when updating an audience.
  • Redesigned the Sequence preview interface to more clearly highlight phrase changes from the original template.
  • Added internal framework support for upcoming Zapier integration testing.